Jalbi Jiya provides affordable rental housing and home ownership pathways.
The program is open to ALL Indigenous people living in Broome, who meet eligibility criteria.
All the properties are currently full.
Jalbi Jiya, meaning ‘your home’ in the Yawuru language, is a Nyamba Buru Yawuru program in partnership with The Department of Communities through the North-West Aboriginal Housing Fund , creating affordable housing opportunities for Indigenous people in Broome.
Jalbi Jiya is based on the Yawuru philosophy of wellbeing - mabu (good) liyan. Mabu liyan is attained when connected to community, culture and country. Secure housing and home ownership are critical for Aboriginal people to build their financial autonomy and fully participate in the economy and community.
The program is designed to support you to achieve your goals while you rent and save. Jalbi Jiya will support you through the rental, and later, home loan lending processes. The Jalbi Jiya team will be with you at each stage of your journey and provide support in areas including finances, jobs and training, education and wellbeing.
Our team will meet with you to understand what is important to you and your family. They can help develop a plan to create the best for you and your family’s wellbeing. We want to enable families to be strong, resilient and empowered.
The program is open to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people living in Broome, who meet the eligibility criteria.
All properties have been allocated.
Mervyn and Cathryn are one of the fthe first family to enter home ownership through the program. Read their story here
For further information email: jalbijiya@yawuru.org.au

Want to know more?
Visit us at Nyamba Buru Yawuru or contact the office
on 9192 9600 or jalbijiya @yawuru.org.au